Wednesday, September 21, 2011

This I Believe Essay

My main belief in life is being yourself and not caring what other people think.

When I was 12, I remember seeing all these other girls, and thinking they were the coolest people ever. I remember wanting to be just like them. I would try to buy the clothes they had (or at least consider it), do my hair like theirs, even talk or say things that they would. Then, after I spent a lot of time with my really close friends, I started to know who I really was. I realized that I didn't have to be just like those "cool" people, and that I really just had to be myself for people to like me. And, after that, I was more outgoing and ended up making more friends and getting closer to the people that were already my friends. 

Honestly, I don't really think one single person made me believe this way, it was just kind of a combination of people. I think in some way, it was myself, because I looked back at myself when I wasn't sure who I was. It was also a lot of things that I would see places, like quotes or things that people would say about being yourself. Another thing that helped me think this way was just seeing or hearing about people who did bad things or weren’t happy because they were hanging out with the wrong people and not being themselves. Everything sort of came together in my head to form this belief.

Even though I'm writing this like I've really found myself, I really don't think I have. I mean I think I've found myself in the sense that I don't care what other people think, and I do what I really want to. But, I feel like nobody at my age has really found themselves, we're always changing. I could walk into school tomorrow with pink hair and different clothing; I could change at any time. Even though that doesn't sound like being yourself, I believe it is, because you didn't do it because other people were doing it, you did it because you wanted to. I think that's what really matters. 

So, the next time you think to yourself, "Why can't I be just like that person?” or doubt yourself; remember that being yourself is all that matters. As long as you're happy with who you are, you're perfect. Nothing in your life should make you think differently.


  1. Your essay was really good! Your essay made me think about myself again and who i really am. Now when I go to the mall or get my hair done,I am going to try to be myself, not just copying someone.

  2. Your essay was amazing! I really like how you used a real-life example, I think your essay was beautiful! Good job :)

  3. Being yourself is so important. You should always believe in yourself no matter what.

  4. I appreciate your honesty. Sometimes, I think we never fully define who we are. I think as we grow and mature we are constantly evolving into more complicated people. Thank you for this refreshing entry!

    4.5/5 points. It would have been good to include at least one specific example, like a small moment or a snapshot, of a time when you figured this out about yourself. Personal examples always make writing more powerful.
